POOLE Family Photos

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Aloyisius Richard Poole.  While his birth certificate calls him Aloyisius, when he
came to the US he chose the name Richard.


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Mary Caton Poole.  And they ask me where I got that nose.


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Gerard Poole (and his dog).


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Gerard Poole and his parents Mary Caton and Aloyisius Richard Poole, at the start of


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Left to right, Aloyisius Richard Poole, Gerard Poole, Mary Caton Poole, Vincent Poole,
unknown, unknown.


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L. to right, unknown and Mary Caton.


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The Honor Roll in Essexville, Michigan – people who were serving in W.W.II.
Gerard Poole is listed in the sixth column from the left, second from the bottom.


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Carrie Poole


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Eric and Carrie Poole


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Jerry Poole, c. 1985


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Jim, Mary (my mom) and Jerry Poole


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Jerry and Marsha’s wedding


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Mark Joseph Poole


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Melissa Ann Poole


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Randy Poole


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Terri Poole


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Terri Poole


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Terri Poole


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Article about Christina’s death in the fire.


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Tom Poole


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