NEW: A filterable list of people with the surname Carney in various cities across Michigan. (12 Jan 2025)
- 1910 Soundex index of all the Carneys in the state of Michigan
- Index of all Carney births in the state of Michigan, 1913-1915
- Index of all Carney marriages in the state of Michigan, 1867-1871
- Index of all Carney marriages in Bay County, 1871-1888
- Index of all Carney marriages in Bay County, 1889-1899
- Index of all Carney marriages in Bay County, 1900-1909
- Index of all Carney marriages in Bay County, 1910-1920
- Index of all Carney marriages in Michigan, 1914-1921
- Index of all Carney deaths in Bay County, 1868-1897
- Index of all Carneys buried in Pine Ridge Cemetery (information provided by Don Dolsen, Bay Co. Genealogical Society)
- Index of Carneys in selected city directories for Bay City: 1883, 1884/5, 1890/91, 1897, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1920, 1922, 1924, 1929, 1938, 1944, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1957
- Index of Carneys in selected city directories for Detroit: 1903, 1906, 1939, 1940, 1941
- Another Pioneer Gone – A scan of Patrick Carney’s obituary (21K) from the Aug. 8, 1886 Bay City Evening Press and a picture of Fraser House (60K).
- Patrick Carney Jr., news article about working at the Capitol “Has Laugh on the Doctors”
- Carneys buried in St. Patrick’s Cemetery in Bay City.
- The Carney “Crest”
- Legends and Lore: The Origin of the Carney Family Name
- Comments and Queries from Carney family researchers
- A Mysterious Michigan Carney Death
- My Carney Family Photos
- Carneys in the 1851 Birmingham,Warwickshire, England Census
- Captain Thomas Carney of Detroit (No relation to me, but interesting info)